Thursday, November 3, 2011

days 13 & 14

I had a problem with my camera day 13 is a little late.  But here it is, better late than never.

Day 13 - yourself with 13 things:

After thinking about this one for awhile, I decided to do a little experiment.

I currently have two little ones in diapers.  And most days it feels like I'm constantly changing diapers around here.  But it is part of my job.  As a mom, I am called to be diaper changer.  And honestly, I've learned to not mind it at all.  I would rather my girls be living life in clean diapers than dirty ones - and I think that's what God would prefer too, right?  So...I change diapers!

Anyway, my experiment was to see actually how long in a day it would take to change 13 diapers.  Answer?  12 hours!

And here's my proof:

While I'm on the topic of diapers and motherhood, I just have to again recommend the book, Loving the Little Years, by Rachel Jankovic.  This little 100 page book has encouraged me and challenged me more than ever before in my attitude and role as a mom of little ones.  It is SO good and such a fun read.  Addresses the realities of motherhood as well as the hidden sins in the everyday that we don't always think about.  REAL HEART ISSUES.  Also, check out her blog, awesome stuff there as well.

Onto Day 14 - Eyes:

Emma.  My brown eyed girl :).  Or so we eyes change after 3 months?

I seriously cannot get enough of her lately.  She continues to be so sweet and so cuddly.  And hardly ever cries.  Sometimes I think, is she for real?  Love you little one...


  1. Julie, I love reading your blog. You have such a precious family! I want to get that book you recommended. It sounds like a good read I could use. Thanks for sharing.

  2. thanks molly! it was so fun to be with you guys in chicago a couple of weekends ago. definitely check out the is WELL worth the read.
