Tuesday, June 4, 2013

5 years

June 1st!  That's our anniversary.  And this year we decided to do something a little special since it has been 5 years.  5 years!  I can hardly believe it...  But I guess we have plenty to show for it ;).  Life with Chad has definitely been eventful, and oh so good. 

The morning of June 1st, we went out for breakfast with the girls...

And then we dropped them off at my sister's...thank you Andrea and her little family...and headed north to Chicago for the weekend!  Something we haven't done in a long time.  

We had no agenda...just a place to stay...and an appetite for some good food, relaxation, and time for just us.  And it was SO fun.  

Chad let me shop a little...good man!  Even a girl in her third trimester can find something to buy in Chicago ;).

And the places we ate were amazing.  Seriously.  Our favorites included this Trattoria for dinner on Saturday night.  I wasn't even that hungry when we got there...and I had to clear my appetizer, dinner, and dessert plates because it was all THAT good.

And for Sunday brunch we went to the Gage on Michigan.  Again, AMAZING food.  This is the face Chad made for me when I took his picture.  Ha :)...not a fan of me taking his picture...ever!

It was a short weekend...but so worth it.

I am so thankful to God for our marriage and how He is growing us and changing us.  It hasn't been easy...but it's been REALLY good :).  And a lot of that goodness I attribute to Chad because of all the forgiveness, grace, and patience he constantly shows me.  He truly is an excellent example of Christ and the Church for me.  May God have the glory!