Saturday, August 27, 2011

now I know...

Now I know...what it's like to start potty training Livie at 20 months...and then stop.  After 3 days of lots of accidents, and lots of crying (between Livie and Emma) I decided I was the one who just wasn't ready for it at this point.  One morning in particular broke me of trying to rush this little girl into using the potty and wearing big girl underwear.  Emma was being fussy and Livie was having accidents about every 10-20 minutes for 3 hours.  I don't think she made it to the potty at all that morning :(.  So, each time she had an accident I would wash her off in the tub, get her new underwear, soak up the pee with towels, and mop the floor.  This seemed to go on forever!  I tried to stay cool through it all...but in the end I just decided potty training was too much as this point.  Yeah, I'm a quitter :(.  My excuse is that we're going through a lot of transitions right now and this is something I can hold off on a little longer.  At least I know what it's like to try though.

Now I know...the sinking feeling of leaving your wallet at home...when you're at the grocery store with a whole cart of groceries and 2 little girls...during the middle of a thunderstorm and pouring down rain outside.  Yep that was us this week :).  Thankfully, the cashier was gracious to us!  She suspended my order and had my cart put in the freezer in the back so I could run home and get my wallet.  I was also thankful that I only live 5 minutes away, that Emma slept through the whole experience, and Livie was an angel through it all.  

Now I know...what it's like to be called "Julie" from my toddler :).  One evening this week, Livie was trying to get my attention and was saying "Mom!  Mom!  Mom!" about 5 times.  When she didn't get my attention after the 5th time, she yelled out "Dudie!" (for Julie).  She definitely got my attention that time :).  Chad and I were laughing pretty hard about it actually...she surprises us so much with how many little things she picks up.

And now I know...what our house looks like almost all framed up :).  LOVE it.  I'm a little scared with how big it looks...but maybe that's just this stage in the process? 

Working hard.

The crane.

Here's some more pics from life at home this week...

Reverting back to baby?

 Cute little smile from Emma.

And a yawn.

 Livie trying to calm Emma down :).  She likes to pat her tummy and say, "it's otay's otay".  The patting isn't always a "pat"...hence, Emma not calming down :).

Love this one...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


"Growing" seems to sum up our lives lately. 

First...our house now has first floor walls (yay!).  Chad and 9 other guys worked hard last Friday and Saturday to get them up.  It's so fun to be able to walk through the house and see the actual size of the rooms, etc.  The girls and I were able to get out there Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to see the progress.  It was GREAT to have a reason to get out.  This next weekend we get second floor floors.  The first pic below is of the great room wall with fireplace and the second is a view from the front. 

Second...Emma is growing and gaining :).  At her 2 week appointment last Friday, she had already gained a good pound, putting her at 8 lb. 8 oz.  The nurse actually weighed her a second time to make sure she had read it right :).  Ha, I think we have another good eater on our hands!  She's a wonderful baby so sweet.

Third...Livie.  She spends her days talking, talking, me, to Emma, to baby Jill, to herself :).  I think she's hilarious, but maybe that's just because I'm her mom.  She now can count to 10, attempt the ABC's, and matter of factly voice her opinion on just about anything :).  We also started potty training this week.  The first evening we started she had 5 accidents and 1 success in the little potty.  After the 3rd accident, she started crying and didn't want to put underwear back on...maybe that's a good sign?  Ask me how it's going in a week.  I'm just hoping to be consistent with her!

So excited about her big girl underwear :)...before the accidents.

And fourth...we're all learning what it's like to be a family of four.  Things are definitely busier with two little girls who need lots of attention.  And I'm noticing that it's harder to take time to do the most important things - like staying in the Word and connecting to God.  This week I feel like I'm running on empty and I know it's because I haven't been drawing my strength from Him :(.  May God grow my heart to yearn for Him during times like these.  I praise Him that He is gracious and continuously draws me back to Himself...I don't deserve that love!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

the past 2 weeks

"I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come?
My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD is your keeper; the LORD is your shade on your right hand.
The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night.
The LORD will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life.
The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore."  
Psalm 121

Emma will be two weeks old tomorrow.  It's crazy how the days just fly by.  During the pregnancy, I loved this Psalm and how it proclaimed God as our keeper.  Thought it was perfect in praying for Emma as well...that He would keep and protect her life from this time forth and forevermore!  So far, He has answered this prayer of mine as well as so many others regarding labor and her delivery.  

I did go ahead and get induced thursday night, the 28th, at midnight.  And to be honest, I was excited to have and meet our baby girl...but pretty nervous too - mostly about the pain and how inducing would go.  Here's some pics before the big night...

Feeling big...

And here's what happened next...

When we got to the hospital, it took about an hour to get settled in our room.  They ended up starting me on pitocin at 1 am.  Soon, I started having small/cramp-like contractions which lasted until about 8 am.  Chad and I were able to sleep through these which was nice - especially knowing what was coming ahead.  At 8 am, my midwife came in to check me and break my water.  I was dilated at a 2 at this point.  As soon as she broke my water, the contractions started coming on HARD and STRONG.  I knew I wanted an epidural, since I was being induced, so, I asked for one right away.  However, the anesthesiologist was busy with a c-section for at least another hour.  I thought, "No big deal...I can handle an hour of hard contractions.  I've done this before".  But whoa...they just didn't slow down!  I got some neumorphine (with memories that it was WONDERFUL with Livie), but it didn't really take any edge off the pain this time.  By 9:30, they had checked me at least 3 times, and each time I was dilating more and more.  Around 10am, the anesthesiologist was still busy :(...and they checked me again...I was at an 8.  They told me at that point that I wasn't going to have time for an epidural.  I was so scared...but thought "God can get me through!".  Just then though, the anesthesiologist was free and outside the door :).   She came in and administered an intrathecal shot (a local drug that's similar to an epidural - it numbs the pain - but you can still feel and move your legs).  SO GREAT...but also really weird to go from so much pain to nothing.  About that time too, I found out my midwife had to leave and go deliver another, they took me off the pitocin until she got back.  I still had contractions during that time, but they were about 5 min apart and I couldn't feel them.  She was back by 11:15 (praise God for a quick delivery for the other mom!).  They started the pitocin again, I pushed around 15 minutes...and Emma was here at 11:40 :).  Such a different labor story than Livie's...but I truly LOVED both of the experiences.  SUCH a praise!

All brand new...

Livie getting to hold her for the first time...she was so giddy!

New family pic

Going home...

Meeting cousin Remy for the first time...Remy is just 8 weeks older than Emma.

Love her cheeks :)

Trying to explain the love I have for our girls is really hard...I just have to say that it's God-given and so strong.  I am so excited to watch them grow up!

Here's some more pictures from Rachel, taken when Emma was 5 days old.  

Since Emma's birth, our days (me and the girls') have been pretty relaxing - mostly staying home and enjoying the each other.  We've been out a Walmart, Chad's office, church, walking the neighborhood, and a few other places (no traumatic experiences so far!).  Emma has been perfect...sleeping and eating consume her days :).  And Livie LOVES her so much.  She always is saying "hold me!"...meaning she wants to hold her, and "where'd Emma go?"...anytime she's out of sight.  She's been adjusting pretty well overall...just VERY me especially.  Oh, and her stubbornness is coming out strong too - this little girl knows what she wants!  When she doesn't get it?...well, the pictures speak for themselves :). 

Chad has been super busy with work the past week and a half.  Between monday and tuesday this week he put in 30 hours :(.  Crazy...but such a blessing that NHS has so much work.  Construction on our new house has been at a stand-still for a couple of weeks because we still haven't got our first floor walls in (delays, delays).  They are supposed to come tomorrow Chad is getting a crew together to put them up on Saturday.  It seems like forever since we've both been out to the lot...and now that Emma's here, we're just itching to get things going!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

emma noelle

Introducing our sweet and cuddly baby girl, Emma Noelle.

She was born Friday, July 29 at 11:40 am, weighing 7 lb. 12 oz., measuring 19.5 inches, with LOTS of dark hair and a dimple in her chin :).  We are so thankful for her and praise God for her life and a safe, healthy delivery!

Here's her proud big sister doing what she does best, smothering her with kisses and affection.

It's been 1 week and 1 day since her birth, and everything is going so well so far - another praise to our Father.  More stories and pictures to come!