Thursday, January 13, 2011

parenting conference + leaving livie

Last weekend, Chad and I attended a parenting conference with some of our friends called "Getting to the Heart of Parenting".  Since Livie turned 1... well, actually before she turned 1 too...we've had our eyes opened to the fact that our baby is not only growing up and becoming cuter by the day :)...but she's becoming more and more selfish by the day too.   This conference came at just the right time for us.  The speaker, Paul Tripp, came with a heart for God, Biblical understanding of parenting, years of experience, and great practical advice.  We learned SO much. Hopefully now we can put it into practice.

Worst part of the weekend?  I puked for the first time in this pregnancy on Saturday night.  I know I was just really tired from the evening before.  But it was miserable.  I hope it was a one time thing.  Maybe, just maybe, I won't get as sick with this one after 11-12 weeks?  With Livie I remember puking MOST mornings before work weeks 12-18.  Yuck.  It hasn't happened again so...I'm hoping.

So, what do we do after going to an amazing parenting conference?  Well, tomorrow, Chad and I leave for Aruba :).  And we're leaving Livie.  When we planned the trip, we were all about taking Livie along.  Then we realized that we really wanted to relax and enjoy this vacation with a new baby on the way and a house starting soon.

We'll be gone 7 days and nights.  This is the longest we'll have been a part from her.  And we're a little sad.  In fact, Chad just came home for lunch and started feeding her all sorts of candy and gum.  When I was about to stop him, he says, "We want her to remember us and like us when we get back!".  I'm sure some last minute candy will do the trick :).

Here's what I'm going to miss:

Her sitting in all sorts of places around the house that "fit her".  Yesterday she attempted to sit on the printer and inside a toy box that was way too small for her :).  

Her cuteness :).

She stands in front of the pantry when she wants some "num-nums".  If I'm not paying attention, she'll cry till I do. 
Crying out of desperation because she's SO hungry!

Looking for her favorite - the cookies hidden away at the bottom.

And loving it when she actually gets some.  She brings them back to this seat and thoroughly enjoys them.

Being curious.  Yes, Chad is taking a shower here :).

As sad as I am to leave her, I am soo excited for warm weather, beaches, and pure relaxation.  I'm praying morning sickness will be over and the trip will just be amazing!  And seeing that I'm supposed to drop Livie off at my mom's in just a few hours...and that I still have not packed our clothes...I'd better get busy.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

a start

Well, I've created a blog...and honestly, I have no idea where to start.  It's kind of intimidating!   But today is January 1st, 2011.  And all day I've been thinking about the big changes we're going to have this year.  And well...I wanted to be able to write "our journey" down somewhere.  Somewhere that we could look back on year after year.

So, here's a start.  And over time, I hope for this to be somewhat of a scrapbook for us and our kids.

What big changes?  Well, here's the biggest...

We're pregnant!  Number two is on the way :).  Due date is August 1, 2011.  And we are VERY excited.  Livie and the baby will be a mere 19 1/2 months apart...only a year apart in school.  Thinking about all of that does make me nervous.   I know my simple little life at home will be more hectic.   And it'll be an adjustment for all of us.  BUT...God has entrusted us with another little that we get to take care of, love, and watch grow.  Such a blessing...and we are so thankful!

Big change #2?  We're going to start building a house this March!  I need to take a picture of our lot, but just haven't done it yet.  Pictures will come.  It's about 20 minutes from where we live now.  Our lot is 3 acres, mostly wooded, in a country subdivision.  Perfect for the nature lover in Chad :), yet still in a neighborhood with streets and neighbors for me :).  Chad is already clearing the process is underway.  We have a LONG way to go though.  Maybe a year and a half?  And, to cut costs, Chad is going to try to do most of the labor.  Which means we probably won't see much of him starting in March.  I have a feeling Livie and I are going to be out there a lot this spring/summer.

So yeah, our lives are changing.  Praise God that He's in control of everything.  Our lives are His.  Our children...the house...everything.  My prayer is that this blog will be one that reflects Him and His Glory in our journey.  Not just through our big changes...but through our mundane daily life too.  And that we would enjoy every moment of our journey as well...