Thursday, May 10, 2012

a lil' summary

So, we sold this baby a few weeks ago.  After listing it with an amazing realtor ;), it was on the market 5 days, had one showing, and was sold.  Praise the Lord!   The buyers were able to wait for a June closing all in all, we feel very blessed with how everything worked out.  
Are we ready to move on?  As much as we've loved living here and have loads of memories from the past 4 and half years...we definitely are ready to move on and have our "normal" life back.  Building has definitely taken it's toll on all of us.

But in the midst of building, working, selling, packing, errands, a garage sale, and taking care of each other...God has given us some much needed moments to play and enjoy each other too.

Still loving food!

Our resident bag lady :).  Yep, all those buckets and bags are filled with Liv's trinkets and treasures from around the house.

They love each other soo much.

My two helpers while running errands...they do SO well for all we pack in each day.

We've also been blessed to be at the big lake a little too.  Livie has loved hanging out with her cousins...and  Tink's baby raccoons (or just watching others love on them) ;).  

And we are just 4 weeks from moving into the new house...God willing!  We are SO close to getting everything done, but there is SO much to do yet.  Please pray for us that we can get everything done before the parade of homes on June 16th.  Besides finishing the house, "everything" also means getting moved, unpacked, decorating it, and having it SHOW READY!  

Daily, my head is spinning with getting stuff done, keeping everything straight, and making sure my family is taken care of.  Please forgive me if you've talked to me and I've said things I don't mean or that don't make sense or if I seem to be on some other planet!  Some days I feel like I am.  

Chad and I feel SO blessed though.  God has given us His amazing love, grace, salvation, eternity with Him...and the blessings of each other and wonderful family and friends.  Keeping that in mind makes everything better :).  And we just keep saying "5 MORE WEEKS" and this craziness will be behind us!!

In reality, it'll probably be 5 weeks until I post, see ya on that flip side!!