Saturday, December 24, 2011

merry christmas!

I wish I could say that we're out celebrating with family and friends today (Christmas eve).  But instead, we're all home with colds and coughs (all of us), and fevers and some puking (Livie) :(.  We're trying to get a little sleep.  Sometimes it ends up looking like this...

Christmas may not always be what we expect (right, Guingrich's?).  But God is faithful and good.  So...Happy Birthday Jesus!  We are so grateful that you came, lived, and died to save us!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

happy 2nd birthday liv!

Livie turns 2 today!

It's really hard to believe that she's already 2.  But then, everyday she amazes me by what she knows, what she's saying, and how she's interpreting this world. 

We love her soo much and are so thankful for her little life!

Last Tuesday we celebrated at the barn with our families...  My mom made her a Winnie the Pooh cake - since she LOVES to watch "pooh movies".

And she jumped right in with all the craziness of singing, presents, and family...

So bummed that all those pictures were so blurry...I think I must have messed up the settings on my camera :(.  Oh well...they captured her night.

Happy Birthday Liver Bugs!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

christmas begins...

Christmas busyness has officially started for us.  I feel so behind on this blog (among other things)!  But I'm learning to embrace it (being behind that is).

It's amazing how a few extra gatherings, getting gifts, sending cards, some baking, and end of the year stuff can make the days so hectic!  But then again, it's probably taking care of 2 little ones, building a house, and being a part of a company that is booming in business...on top of the Christmas things...that makes our lives feel so crazy.  

That said, we are enjoying the season.  And taking time to remember the birth of Jesus...our saviour and king.

Tonight at bedtime, Liv and I were praying and I asked what she wanted to thank God for today.  She said, "Ummm...Jesus!".  Something is sinking in :).  May not be too deep...but she could have said MANY other things (especially since she spent the day playing with several new toys from her birthday party last night).

So, with Christmas upon's a little peak into our lives earlier this week.

Emma is constantly rolling onto her tummy these days.  And then crying because she wants some attention!  Smart girl.  She's going to be 5 months soon.  5 months!  Where did that time go?  I think I say it every week...but she is just growing way too fast.    

The girls and I spent the morning at my mom's on Monday making Christmas cookies.  Well, actually, mom made the cookies...we just provided distraction and helped frost a few :). 

Yes, Livie wore that outfit Sunday too (I was conserving on laundry) :).  But she's really into dresses right now.  And dancing.  And saying "Oh bother!" (like Winnie the pooh) when she drops anything, falls down, or messes up something.  It's pretty funny.

Adalai and Livie wanted to help so bad with the cookies.  Especially when they realized how good the frosting was.

House.  Our roof is supposed to get shingles Friday and Saturday!  Chad is super excited about more leaky roof. 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

house update

I really wanted to post some new pictures of the house today.  But when I turned my camera on, I quickly realized I needed new batteries.  

I was able to capture this one picture though (from inside my car) :)...not the best, but it'll have to do for today. 

A lot more is going on inside the house than outside (it seems to be raining every saturday...slowing us up a bit on the siding and shakes).  So, what's going on inside?  Electrical, plumbing, HVAC, basement stuff that we'll depend on EVERYDAY soon.  This week we also worked on our kitchen plans.  Time to think about where to put what, etc.  Fun...but a little overwhelming too!

As far as the girls...

Emma's been giving us cheesy grins day after day...and waking us up night after night.  She must just be growing.  She did sleep all night again last night - yay :).  At her 4 month appointment this week, she was 16% for height and 63% for weight.  This explains those cheeks!

Livie...oh Livie.  She's turned a new leaf this week and wants to do everything herself.  "Mysef!  Mysef!".  This is her response to getting into her booster seat, carseat, going potty, putting on her clothes, bathing...oh, the list could go on :).  And she's been loving Christmas things too.  The lights, songs, trees, presents.  It's gonna be fun for her this year!