Thursday, May 30, 2013

our crazies

The girls sharing a room and Emma moving to a big bed is continuing to go well.  We actually think that they are really enjoying being together through all of this.  It's like they realize they are more of a "team" now.  You know, when 2 of them are giggling, crying, screaming together - they get our attention a lot faster than when they were in separate rooms ;).  So, I guess falling asleep together and waking up together makes you a lot closer?  It's been really neat to see their little relationship grow in the past week :).  Even if that means they wake up between 5:30 and 6 :(.  I'm hoping that will end when the baby comes...but realistically, it probably won't.  At least they take amazing naps for now...cause this mama is getting more tired these days!   

Here's a little video of Emma talking about her big bed...

I think her answer to the first question was, "myself at Livie's room"...I can hardly believe she's talking in that long of sentences these days...but she is.  And CONSTANTLY asking "why?"...which seems a little early, right?  Now we just need to convince her she's not a baby ;).

This morning at the breakfast table we were taking turns praying and thanking God for things.  Liv started off, "Thank you God for this food and for Daddy, Emma, Livie, and Mommy..." (and then the washing machine dinged and she continued)..."and for the washing machine and for playing outside, the lake, and Jesus name, amen".  Then Emma proceeded to name all Liv had again in her own prayer :).  It truly is amazing how she constantly is copying her... 

And I just had to laugh about the washing machine too cause they both said it without skipping a beat!  They truly are Chad and I's daughters :).  Chad's because of loving the of tadpoles and lake (of course)...and mine because of loving the washing machine ;).  

And I am VERY thankful for that machine these days cause these little girls LOVE to play outside and aren't afraid to get dirty.  Especially with their dad who entertains them easily with handfuls of tadpoles from our little lake...

This picture of my bump was taken over a week ago...but it shows a little of "my view" of the baby these days.  Feeling just a little round ;)...

So yeah, with less than 7 weeks to go, I'm feeling more and more ready to have our baby girl out :(.  Multiple reasons for that...but I'm thankful that we are this far ;).  And I don't think I'm the only one who wants her out..these girls talk a lot about her!  She's gonna be smothered I'm afraid...

But until then, we are enjoying our two crazies...and wouldn't trade this time for anything.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Yay!  Spring is finally come...and almost gone.  We've loved watching it come forth this year at the new house.  So excited to see GREEN again :).

We had some baby geese born by our lake...which, by the way, the mother's gestation is only 1 fair is that?  When I was "complaining" about this one day, Chad graciously reminded me that she had to sit on her nest for that the rain, cold, wind, etc.  Okay, I guess I'll take 10 months inside over that...

We had some robins pick some interesting places to build their nests.  This poor bird...

It's been amazing to open the windows and let the fresh air in!

And the girls are loving the fact that daddy has to mow now...they can't get enough rides it seems :).

Happy girl in the swing...

This was Emma when she woke up that afternoon...before I put her in the swing... :(

Just hanging out on the driveway...

The girls and Crosby!

We've been loving walks lately too!  This is Emma's seat in the stroller and anytime we're in the garage she wants to get in it :).  "Mom, I wan waaaallllk!".

My flower child...she loves them :)...

Playing hide and seek is one of their favorite games.  And this is one of their favorite places to hide anymore...IN the dryer!

OB appointments are becoming more frequent too.  Only 8 more weeks till our baby girl is here...I'm thankful that these 2 are good (for the most part) when they come with me...

After naps...Emma is usually the first one up...and is usually a grump too :(.  So, here is our attempt to document these special moments together ;)...

Mother's day 2013...such a relaxing thankful to be a mom to these 3 ;).

Pardon my writing on these next few pictures...I've been playing with this new app called "a beautiful mess"...kinda fun :).  

Besides loving flowers, Livie also has grown a fascination with all little creatures this spring...worms, frogs, bunnies, kittens...  She's becoming a brave little girl!  She really wanted to pick up this tree frog one afternoon...  Don't worry...she didn't.

And Emma just loves being outside and going anywhere/everywhere.  She's always the first to get her shoes when she knows we're going "bye-bye" :).  I think she would drive away in her little car if she could...

And the biggest thing that happened at our house this week is we moved Emma out of her room (the nursery) and into Livie's room upstairs.  Yep, they're going to share. When I started moving all Emma's things over, she sat on a box and wouldn't let me move it...stubborn little thing!

I honestly thought Liv was going to have a really hard time with this (sharing all "her" things in "her" room)...but she has done amazing.  SO thankful for that!  She's all about "helping" Emma get used to this transition :)...such a good big sister.

So this also means Emma is now in her big girl bed. 

The first night as we tucked her in, she did awesome.  Of course, Chad laid on the floor next to her till she fell asleep ;)...and she had lift her head over the railing a few times to make sure he was still there.  So cute :).   

And the next morning when she woke up, Chad and I hear both the girls yelling from their room..."MOM!!!  EMMA WOKE UP!!!"..."I WOOKE UP!".  And so the season of them waking each other up has begun...  And lately it has been at 5:30am :(.  

After a few naps/nights of Emma doing awesome... she finally did realize last night she could actually get out without help :(.  Great.  This is all going to be worth it right??

Obviously, there's going to be some "training" the next few days/weeks ahead (for us and them!).  At least we have awhile to make this "normal" before the baby comes... :).