Wednesday, June 29, 2011

big girl

Livie has been trying a few new things wearing muscles at the pool and actually holding herself up with them.  And using a spoon...

And sleeping in her toddler bed!!  She officially switched rooms on monday night.  I moved all her things over (mainly so I wouldn't be tempted to put her back in the nursery), and Chad set up some black out shades to keep light out of the new room.  So far she's been doing GREAT with it.  So much better than I ever thought she would.  

The first night, it was a little struggle for her to fall asleep (she kept waking up and crying when he would leave the room).  I'm sure she was scared.  But he just stayed with her and sang to her until she was out.  The next morning, she got up around 5:30 :(...but then took a great nap late morning and slept 11 straight hours tuesday night.  I'm so proud of her!  Maybe we should tackle potty training too before the baby comes ;)?  Hmmm...maybe we'll wait on that one.

Here's Livie hanging out in her "new room"'s actually just the dormer of the guest room.  Should work great for a year until we move.

And the one little detail that makes the dormer hers :)

Monday, June 27, 2011


Livie has been teaching me a lot lately.  I'm learning I need to always be one step ahead of her...but most of the time I'm not :(.  It's hard to think like a 1 year old!  So, incidences like todays seem to happen all the time.  I had an OB appointment and while we were in the bathroom, she managed to try to get into the tampon/pad basket, pull the emergency cord, AND knock over a little wooden table full of kleenex.  Thankfully, I packed some snacks and toys for when we were in the exam room :).  

Needless to say, she's been much more of a handful lately.  She's just into EVERYTHING.  She gets into the pantry to pull out cookies and fruit snacks when I'm not watching, she always wants to touch the water in the toilet, she empties cabinets and cupboards, and tells me "no" constantly when I ask her to do something.  While it's been hard, I'm learning to be patient and truly discipline with love when she's disobedient.  And it's amazing how quick she is to give me a kiss, hug, and say "I sorrys" afterwards.  I know I have a lot to learn as a mom and a servant for my thank you Jesus for teaching me through little Livie.  

She really is a great little girl...and as I'm frequently told, "she's just being a 1 year old" :).  Other things she's starting to say are "i put away" (when she puts something back where she found it), "where daddy go?", "i want dat!", and "up down" (when going up and down stairs).  And then sometimes randomly she'll just say names like, "amy?" (chad's sister), "mae?", and "yaya?" (Adalai).  I think she has some favorites!  And she still jabbers away to herself constantly throughout the cute.

At the lot, as of last friday, we have basement and garage floors!  Chad and Nate worked hard to get the floors graded and prepped for concrete last week.  Lumber should arrive today, so we'll be able start framing up the basement this week.

 Garage floors:

Last friday, Livie and I headed out the the lake for a nursing home day with church.  Shaeya and Tyden rode out with us and I let the them play with my camera in the car.  Afterwards, I found about 100 pictures that they had taken of anything and everything.  Nice :).  Here's the two I saved:

We're looking forward to a fun 4th of July weekend at the lake with over 100 of Chad's family.  Here is a pic from last year's weekend:

And when we get home next tuesday, we'll only have 4 weeks till we meet our baby girl!  

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

lindsay and will's wedding

Last week was filled with Livie getting her first case of pink eye (she coped really well with it actually), cleaning a parade home for noah herman sons (thank you to amy, brook, michelle, and my mom for helping to get it done in time!), and of course wedding events for Lindsay and Will.  I have to say the latter was the most fun and relaxing!! Here's A LOT of pics from the rehearsal and wedding.  It was beautiful, so intimate, and Lindsay thought of every detail...I felt so honored to be a part of it.  We were praying really hard it wasn't going to rain because it was all outdoor...and praise Jesus it didn't!  It all turned out perfectly :).

The moon rising after dinner...gorgeous!  It was much bigger in person :).

Getting ready at Will's grandparents condo:

And some wedding pics:




Congrats Linds and Will!  Thank you for letting us be a part of your special day!

Monday, June 13, 2011


So, I've been really bad about taking pictures lately.  I really wish I had some pics from memorial day weekend at the lake and some other things...but I don't.  Oh well, we've had a lot going on and are loving the fact that it's summertime.  Livie loves the pool and lake (or any water for that matter), being outside, playing with other kids, exploring EVERYTHING, and then trying to talk about it :).  Her recent jabbering is the best...she truly acts as if she's carrying on a conversation with you...but only about 10% of it makes sense :).

Two weekends ago, Lindsay had her bachelorette party.  It was soo fun to get out for the night with girls!  We did a scavenger hunt all over Peoria :) and then ended up back at 309 for dinner and gifts.  Wedding is this weekend...and I can't wait.  Lindsay has been such a great friend over the past 6 years, and I'm so excited for her and Willie.  Should be fun.

Speaking of weddings, my Neukomm grandparents celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary this past weekend.  60 YEARS...isn't that incredible?  If Chad and I ever have a 60th, we'll be 86 and 89.  I don't see us living that long, but we'll see :).  They had all of the children and grandchildren out to Metamora Fields for dinner on Saturday.  So nice.  And then on Sunday we met at Monicals with all the great-grandchildren for dinner and back to my grandparents for root beer floats and fun.  There are 32 great-grandchildren with 3 on the way (and they should all be here by August!).   Needless to say, this family loves kids.  Here's Grandma and Grandpa on their special day:

And here's Livie and Adalai at Monicals...

Also, this past weekend, Chad, Livie, and I headed up to Ikea in Chicago to pick up Livie's toddler bed. I really want to transition her in it before the baby comes.  I'm thinking of starting with naps to see how she does.  Should be interesting. 

We also browsed some at Crate and Barrel because we want to get a new kitchen table and chairs for the new house.  Here's the table and chairs (the metal ones) we ended up we're just waiting on a sale!
                                 Pacifica 87 Dining Table
Lyle Side Chair

House news?  Chad is working on grading the basement floor so that concrete can be poured.  Other than that, it's pretty much the same.  

Pregnancy news?  I had my 33 week appointment today, everything looks good and healthy.  Next sono date is in 4 weeks.  I'm just really my prayer was to just see Jesus in things and focus on Him during the next 7 weeks.  Here's how God answered that prayer today: It's so easy for me to think selfishly and want my energy and normal hormone levels back...but He made me realize today that this process is for the baby's good...and mine as well.  Pregnancy is a sacrifice, but it's nothing like what Christ did for me.  So, if pregnancy can make me see more of Jesus...then bring the next 7 weeks on :).

Thursday, June 2, 2011

3rd anniversary

Yesterday was Chad and I's 3rd anniversary.  Happy anniversary babe!  I'm so thankful for you and all you do for me and Livie.  The past 3 years have been such a blessing.  And it's been so humbling to be given so much when we deserve nothing.  Psalm 34:3 was a theme verse at our wedding...may it be a theme verse in our marriage today.  "O, magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together." 

We got to celebrate on Tuesday night by going out for dinner while Chad's parents watched Livie.  Afterwards, we stopped at Home Depot to pick up a special light bulb :) (so romantic!)...but while we were there, we took some time to dream about some options for the house.  The style, etc. seems to be coming together in our minds...let's just pray we can pull it off within budget.  

On another note, it's garage sale season :).  I have to be honest in that I'm not the biggest garage sale shopper.  It's not that I don't love a good deal...I just don't always like hunting through "junk" to find those deals.  But, this year, I've been out a few times in Morton and have been pleasantly surprised...I was able to find a little chair/step-stool for Livie for $1, a double stroller for Andrea, and some clothes for the girls.  And then yesterday, my mom called me about a children's table and chair set she found for $20.  I'd been looking for one, so I told her to get it.  And I'm so glad she did!  For one, it's so cute...and Livie has been loving it.  

When I set the table up for her in the toy room, she immediately sat at the chair, folded her hands and said, "amen!".  She was praying just like at the big table!  My heart melted.  I could probably write everyday about new things she is doing/saying/taking in.  It's so awesome to see her grow up...hard to explain, but I LOVE it.