Friday, April 22, 2011

be still

The past couple of weeks have been really calm around here.  That is, calm in our daily events.  But, at the same time, there are several storms going on around us in the lives of those we're really close to. So, in the midst of our calm days, it's been easy to get emotional, discouraged, frustrated, etc.  But, I've really been challenged to be still and know that He is God in ALL situations.  The Almighty is in control...I'm so thankful He is our Rock, who knows all things, and uses all things to make us fit for Him and His work!  We are excited to celebrate the cross and resurrection this weekend.

One crazy, wonderful, and exciting thing, is that we have a new nephew!  Nikau, a sweet little 8 month old boy, has been adopted into Dave and Michelle's family.  Their story is an amazing testimony of God.  To check it out, go to:

Some other updates:

Livie has been busy.  She's becoming quite the hoarder...she loves carrying everything she can fit in her little hands/arms around the house.  Her favorite things are definitely her large blankets from her crib.  After each nap and in the morning, she makes sure all that was in her crib is now out and in her hands.  She's also starting to put two words together.  Last night, we went and looked at the lot, and on our way home we stopped at Dairy Queen (my idea).  In the presence of ice cream, it was amazing how many words she put together!  We heard, "more please!", "dad, more!", "dad, please" over and over.  Too cute.  Oh, and she got her first haircut last week.  She did not like it at all...but that little mullet that was growing in the back now looks sooo much better!

The's still there.  Just no hole yet.  All this rain has held us up quite a bit.  Once it dries up, we can dig.  So, we're just playing the waiting game.  I have a feeling that with building this house, there is going to be a lot of that.

Pregnancy is progressing well :).  I'm approaching 26 weeks, and some things are starting to get uncomfortable.  For one, this little girl is a mover!  She is constantly kicking me and making me aware of her presence :).  Night times have started to include bathroom breaks and charlie horses.  I'm starting to get tired again during the day.  My femoral nerve is getting compressed somewhere...cause my right leg gets numb when I stand for awhile.  And my appetite is up!  Somethings I've been living on lately have been apple juice, tostito chips, and fruit.  Random, I know.  But, all in all, it's not that bad.  Only 14 more weeks to go!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

growing up & getting out

There's been a lot of little changes for Livie since she got sick 2 weeks ago.  She's growing up.

For one, we took her bottle away that week.  The doc recommended I do it before 18 months, and well...she wasn't drinking it when she was sick, so it seemed to be an opportune time.  And she hasn't missed it a bit :).  BUT she has been more hungry.  She's refusing to drink the milk out of her sippy she's been making up for all those calories in her meals and snacks.  This little girl is NOT picky about her food!  One of her favorite new things is eating sandwiches (instead of me breaking them up for her). It's pretty cute.  

Also, I've limited her paci use.  I'm really trying to only give it to her during sleep times, when I need her to be quiet, and when she's really fussy.  The first few days were terrible...but she's starting to get used to it.  Now I just find her putting all sorts of things in her mouth...

Also, since she's been feeling better, she's developing quite the personality :).  She was kinda crazy before, but now...she's just really crazy!  She'll run around the house yelling (yeah, she has a loud voice) about all sorts of stuff, laughing, and getting into a lot more.  It's so great to see her so happy.  Oh, and she's discovering the world of accessories too.  She's been loving these purple mardi gras beads lately.

On Friday, Chad took off work a little early and we headed to Norris for the night with some of the Hermans.  Our plan was to work at the lot on Saturday, but in the morning it was raining.  So, we decided just to stay at the lake for the day.  Around noon, the weather changed and it turned out to be beautiful, hot, and sunny.  Such a treat :).  We had fun playing with the kids in the hot tub, fishing, having a lunch picnic on the trampoline, and just hanging out on the beach.  Livie LOVED it - the sun, the sand, the water, the kids...she's going to be a busy one this summer :).

Sunday, April 3, 2011

the lot, mystery dinner, and baby bump

So, we're still working cleaning up the lot.  No digging has happened yet.  Last week, our dig date was given to another Noah Herman Sons client :).  And the business comes first, right?  No big deal though because we still need our building permit...and Chad has been swamped with work lately, so it may be another few weeks before we even get that.  Although it would be fun to get things's nice not to be rushed or have a timeline with this house.  

Here was the lot yesterday...a gorgeous day of 65 degrees and sunny!  Our house will be framed by the two big trees. 

Here's our wood pile (so far).  And neighbor Louie :) off to the left.  He's probably upper 60's/low 70's, originally from Hungary, but worked for CAT for years.  He's now retired and loves to "shoot the breeze".  Chad has gotten to know him a little over the past few months and really likes him.  He's laid back, friendly, and just a do-it-yourself kinda guy.  He told Chad yesterday, "I had to take a break from working outside today cause we're going out tonight."  :) - Such a cute old man. 

I did help a little up sticks and branches from the side of the ravine that Chad had burned earlier.  These little flowers were everywhere...truly beauty from ashes.

 The ravine that soon will be a lake!

Chad made this seat out of a tree stump :).  He says it'll be right at the waters edge...
perfect for sitting back and fishing.

Last pic at the lot...a nasty deer skeleton that I kept running into.  
Just proof that deer are on this property!  

Then, last night Chris and Amanda hosted a mystery dinner called "Murder at Mardi Gras".  It was so fun!  They always come up with crazy ideas for the posse to dress up and be silly.  There were lots of laughs as everyone played out their characters.  And Traever ended up being the murderer...doesn't he look so suspicious in this picture?

And here are the couples:


And, my baby bump :).  I haven't taken a pic since about 12 weeks, and thought it was about time. The first pic to the left is when I was pregnant with Livie at 23 weeks.  The pic to the right is from 23 weeks.  A little bigger with #2!