Sunday, April 10, 2011

growing up & getting out

There's been a lot of little changes for Livie since she got sick 2 weeks ago.  She's growing up.

For one, we took her bottle away that week.  The doc recommended I do it before 18 months, and well...she wasn't drinking it when she was sick, so it seemed to be an opportune time.  And she hasn't missed it a bit :).  BUT she has been more hungry.  She's refusing to drink the milk out of her sippy she's been making up for all those calories in her meals and snacks.  This little girl is NOT picky about her food!  One of her favorite new things is eating sandwiches (instead of me breaking them up for her). It's pretty cute.  

Also, I've limited her paci use.  I'm really trying to only give it to her during sleep times, when I need her to be quiet, and when she's really fussy.  The first few days were terrible...but she's starting to get used to it.  Now I just find her putting all sorts of things in her mouth...

Also, since she's been feeling better, she's developing quite the personality :).  She was kinda crazy before, but now...she's just really crazy!  She'll run around the house yelling (yeah, she has a loud voice) about all sorts of stuff, laughing, and getting into a lot more.  It's so great to see her so happy.  Oh, and she's discovering the world of accessories too.  She's been loving these purple mardi gras beads lately.

On Friday, Chad took off work a little early and we headed to Norris for the night with some of the Hermans.  Our plan was to work at the lot on Saturday, but in the morning it was raining.  So, we decided just to stay at the lake for the day.  Around noon, the weather changed and it turned out to be beautiful, hot, and sunny.  Such a treat :).  We had fun playing with the kids in the hot tub, fishing, having a lunch picnic on the trampoline, and just hanging out on the beach.  Livie LOVED it - the sun, the sand, the water, the kids...she's going to be a busy one this summer :).

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