Friday, April 22, 2011

be still

The past couple of weeks have been really calm around here.  That is, calm in our daily events.  But, at the same time, there are several storms going on around us in the lives of those we're really close to. So, in the midst of our calm days, it's been easy to get emotional, discouraged, frustrated, etc.  But, I've really been challenged to be still and know that He is God in ALL situations.  The Almighty is in control...I'm so thankful He is our Rock, who knows all things, and uses all things to make us fit for Him and His work!  We are excited to celebrate the cross and resurrection this weekend.

One crazy, wonderful, and exciting thing, is that we have a new nephew!  Nikau, a sweet little 8 month old boy, has been adopted into Dave and Michelle's family.  Their story is an amazing testimony of God.  To check it out, go to:

Some other updates:

Livie has been busy.  She's becoming quite the hoarder...she loves carrying everything she can fit in her little hands/arms around the house.  Her favorite things are definitely her large blankets from her crib.  After each nap and in the morning, she makes sure all that was in her crib is now out and in her hands.  She's also starting to put two words together.  Last night, we went and looked at the lot, and on our way home we stopped at Dairy Queen (my idea).  In the presence of ice cream, it was amazing how many words she put together!  We heard, "more please!", "dad, more!", "dad, please" over and over.  Too cute.  Oh, and she got her first haircut last week.  She did not like it at all...but that little mullet that was growing in the back now looks sooo much better!

The's still there.  Just no hole yet.  All this rain has held us up quite a bit.  Once it dries up, we can dig.  So, we're just playing the waiting game.  I have a feeling that with building this house, there is going to be a lot of that.

Pregnancy is progressing well :).  I'm approaching 26 weeks, and some things are starting to get uncomfortable.  For one, this little girl is a mover!  She is constantly kicking me and making me aware of her presence :).  Night times have started to include bathroom breaks and charlie horses.  I'm starting to get tired again during the day.  My femoral nerve is getting compressed somewhere...cause my right leg gets numb when I stand for awhile.  And my appetite is up!  Somethings I've been living on lately have been apple juice, tostito chips, and fruit.  Random, I know.  But, all in all, it's not that bad.  Only 14 more weeks to go!

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