Monday, July 25, 2011


Just ONE more week until our baby girl is due.  Crazy.  I'm finding myself VERY ready these days.  With the heat and humidity last week (90's everyday with heat indexes of over 100), and just being uncomfortable...I'm READY.  At my doctor appointment this morning, I was dilated and effaced the same as the past 2 weeks.  A little discouraging, but it's alright.  It's just not time yet, right?  So, we wait.

Actually, I did go ahead and schedule an induction date for this friday...and here's why.  Originally I was  not up for this, but my midwife is switching practices THIS SUNDAY.  One day before my due date :(. Which means, if I go on or after my date, she cannot legally deliver our baby.  At first I said I would rather have someone else deliver than be induced.  But as the due date is closing in, I'm wanting her to deliver more and more.  So, it's scheduled.  I really hope I go into labor before then - I'm going to try to be more active this week!  

At the house...we have our main floor walls coming tomorrow!  Chad has been working a lot in the evenings to get everything ready for them.  And he's been challenging me to start picking stuff out.  Lights, stone, tiles, plumbing, furniture...the list goes on.  While it's's also time consuming.  I've mostly been looking online so far and there's just SO MUCH to search through.  We did go to a flea market over a week ago and picked out some furniture pieces and a small table for a vessel sink in the powder room.  We're trying to stick with a rustic/modern cottage theme with hints of vintage and industrial.  Here's what we found:

chalkboard for wall art in the Livie's room or loft:

 table for vessel sink in powder room (I need to put a finish on this):

coffee table for great room:
And we also ordered a tall, narrow table for the entryway...but we'll pick that up next month.  It's similar in style to the coffee table...made out of reclaimed barnwood.  Fun stuff :).

And Livie...oh Livie :).  She's been such a good girl lately but also very clingy and cuddly...I think she knows something is up.  We talk about babies a lot...but whenever we do, she always grabs her favorite baby and play and pretends with her.  Other interests lately are the's her playing with her baby's little pink potty:

Oh little girl...our world is about to be shaken!  

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

37 week sono

Tuesday, we had our 37 week sono for our baby girl.  Everything looked great!  She's in the PERFECT position for labor and she's measuring at 6 lbs. 5 oz. (but give or take a pound for sono mistakes).  If she is in fact 6 lbs. 5 oz., she's a little small and under the 50th percentile at this point.   

As for me, I'm dilated to almost a 2 and 50% effaced.  That's progress since last week :).  I feel the same though...just a little more swollen.  3 pounds more (says the scale) :)'s just water weight, right?  

Here's our girl...all smooshed in there!

And her BIG sister...who is growing up more and more by the day...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

4th of July weekend

Well, we headed to Norris for the weekend.  It looks like such a calm place in this picture.  And it can be...

But don't be fooled for the 4th of July!  With over 100 family and friends there over the weekend, it was crazy.   We had lots of fun hanging out with everyone.  And we tried to stay out of the HOT sun and keep sun-screen on...but sadly all 3 of us got burned :(.  Livie enjoyed the little kiddie pool, the fish, the beach, and even went down the big water slide with Chad a few times!  Here's some pics of the kids playing...
Livie and Drake were fighting over those two chairs...
I think it was mostly Liv saying "mine! mine!"...

Livie and Wren

All 8 Herman girl cousins playing with body paint...Livie is the white one :)

By Monday morning we were exhausted.  Livie and I headed home around noon...and Chad spent the day at the lot with Traever framing up basement walls.  They got a lot done...but as Chad says, "The work is endless at this point". 

Remember in my last post how I said Livie was doing such a GREAT job sleeping in her toddler bed?  Well, things have changed a bit.  She's realizing that if she cries hard enough, we'll come in and try to calm her down and get her back in bed.  The thursday night before the 4th, we were up for almost 3 hours with her :(.  I think we learned our lesson that night - NOT to get up every time she gets out of bed or starts crying.  So, a baby gate is now at her door...and often we find her sleeping like this in the morning or even during naps.  She'll soon learn that her bed is more comfortable...right??

Yesterday, I had another doctor appointment.  I'm dilated to a 1 :).  Probably doesn't mean much as far as labor and delivery goes...but it just assured me that I'm almost done!  I cannot wait to hold our baby girl, love on her, and show her Jesus in this world...