Tuesday, August 20, 2013

"Lord, I need you"

A favorite song in our house lately has been "Lord I need you".  We have it on iTunes, and often Chad will just belt it out (because he constantly is singing something around the house).  I've said before that life with Chad is like living in a musical ;).  And of course Livie loves this.  And now Emma has started singing too...and it is SO cute and quite hilarious.  She'll sing out "Lord need you!  Lord need you!" in this deep loud voice.  I've been trying to get it on film, but haven't been successful yet.  

Life the past 5-7 weeks has been eventful to say the least.  And God has reminded us over and over that we need Him desperately.  From the time we wake up till the time we go to bed, life is busy.  But it is good.  Yes, there are moments I want to pull my hair out :(...but those moments have driven me closer to God...and so I'm learning to be thankful for this crazy time.

Here's a how the past few weeks have been broken down for everyone...

Livie...3 days before Mercy was born, she had a little accident falling out of Chad's truck.  He had just parked his truck at his parents house and she had unbuckled herself out of her carseat.  When he went to open her passenger door, she was leaning against the door and fell out onto her head/shoulder onto the gravel.  I wasn't there, but I guess blood was gushing out of her head and it was pretty traumatic :(.  But once they got her to the doctor, she did great.  She got her first stitch that day...just 1...

Since then, Liv has had her share of accidents and mishaps!  She got her first filling 6 days later...

Then last week, she was dancing with Chad in our family room to "Eye of the Tiger" :)...and she was moving so fast she hit the corner of our coffee table with her ear.  She actually punctured it just above her earlobe :(.  Again, blood gushed for awhile and there were lots of tears.  BUT, once she got to the ER she LOVED it.  All of the attention that is ;).  This time they glued her ear back together...

Then last weekend, she fell out of a hammock and got a bloody nose...and later got stung by a bee.  Yeah, I'm thinking she's accident prone or something!!

She's all about "doing hair" lately.  She's constantly asking me to do her hair...but sometimes she gets creative and does it herself...

Sweet sleeping :)

Last update on Liv...she started preschool yesterday!  And yeah, she loved it...she was so excited.

Emma...the first two weeks after we had Mercy were a little crazy with this one.  She was just plain aggressive, destructive, and emotional!  But she's doing a lot better now.  Much gentler with the babe ;).  And her and Liv are playing AMAZING together.  I'm so thankful they have each other!

She turned 2 on July 29th!  And all she wanted for her birthday was "candy"...

We had a little party for her that evening with our families...

And we had some water balloons, with the intention of "games" for the kids...

But that soon turned into "who can hit Grandma with their water balloon"?!  She was such a great sport!!

Emma was not too into the balloons though...just wanted to be held.  "It's my party I can cry if I want to" should have been her theme song... 

such a messy eater...

And she's potty training :).  Doing great with potty...not so much with poopy.  But we'll get there...

Here's some pictures of Emma with Livie...she looks up to her SO much...

Mercy....our baby :).  While we've got a lot else going on, I seriously treasure the moments when I can just focus on her.  She's been a great baby so far.  She does have her moments of uncontrollable crying...and it's usually when the other 2 are crying as well (sometimes I want to cry too during those moments!).  But overall, I can't complain with this one.

Her first bath at home...3 days old

4 days

1 week

1 week

2 weeks...with Alex and Brittany :)

2 weeks...on her first date with Liam!

2 weeks

2 1/2 week snuggles

meeting Grandpa and Grandma Neukomm at 2 1/2 weeks

3 weeks

3 weeks ;)

4 weeks

yep, she's got blue eyes!

5 weeks - starting to fill out!

Chad...my crazy husband that I love.  Last week he and his family built a floating volcano-themed man-cave at his parent's lake for a segment for a TV series on the DIY network.  Chad alone put in 115 hours in 1 week and he was just one of the MANY workers that came to put this thing together.  See what I mean by crazy?  :).  It was a very interesting and LONG week for the Herman clan.  Everyone included.  But I do believe God was glorified as everyone worked together!  

And the man-cave turned out amazing!  The TV show may air this fall or this spring...or that's what I've been told...

Me...I'm hanging in there ;).  Learning how to be a godly wife, mother to 3, and daughter of the King.  Failing daily...but leaning on Jesus.  He alone can give me strength!