Thursday, May 30, 2013

our crazies

The girls sharing a room and Emma moving to a big bed is continuing to go well.  We actually think that they are really enjoying being together through all of this.  It's like they realize they are more of a "team" now.  You know, when 2 of them are giggling, crying, screaming together - they get our attention a lot faster than when they were in separate rooms ;).  So, I guess falling asleep together and waking up together makes you a lot closer?  It's been really neat to see their little relationship grow in the past week :).  Even if that means they wake up between 5:30 and 6 :(.  I'm hoping that will end when the baby comes...but realistically, it probably won't.  At least they take amazing naps for now...cause this mama is getting more tired these days!   

Here's a little video of Emma talking about her big bed...

I think her answer to the first question was, "myself at Livie's room"...I can hardly believe she's talking in that long of sentences these days...but she is.  And CONSTANTLY asking "why?"...which seems a little early, right?  Now we just need to convince her she's not a baby ;).

This morning at the breakfast table we were taking turns praying and thanking God for things.  Liv started off, "Thank you God for this food and for Daddy, Emma, Livie, and Mommy..." (and then the washing machine dinged and she continued)..."and for the washing machine and for playing outside, the lake, and Jesus name, amen".  Then Emma proceeded to name all Liv had again in her own prayer :).  It truly is amazing how she constantly is copying her... 

And I just had to laugh about the washing machine too cause they both said it without skipping a beat!  They truly are Chad and I's daughters :).  Chad's because of loving the of tadpoles and lake (of course)...and mine because of loving the washing machine ;).  

And I am VERY thankful for that machine these days cause these little girls LOVE to play outside and aren't afraid to get dirty.  Especially with their dad who entertains them easily with handfuls of tadpoles from our little lake...

This picture of my bump was taken over a week ago...but it shows a little of "my view" of the baby these days.  Feeling just a little round ;)...

So yeah, with less than 7 weeks to go, I'm feeling more and more ready to have our baby girl out :(.  Multiple reasons for that...but I'm thankful that we are this far ;).  And I don't think I'm the only one who wants her out..these girls talk a lot about her!  She's gonna be smothered I'm afraid...

But until then, we are enjoying our two crazies...and wouldn't trade this time for anything.

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