Saturday, August 27, 2011

now I know...

Now I know...what it's like to start potty training Livie at 20 months...and then stop.  After 3 days of lots of accidents, and lots of crying (between Livie and Emma) I decided I was the one who just wasn't ready for it at this point.  One morning in particular broke me of trying to rush this little girl into using the potty and wearing big girl underwear.  Emma was being fussy and Livie was having accidents about every 10-20 minutes for 3 hours.  I don't think she made it to the potty at all that morning :(.  So, each time she had an accident I would wash her off in the tub, get her new underwear, soak up the pee with towels, and mop the floor.  This seemed to go on forever!  I tried to stay cool through it all...but in the end I just decided potty training was too much as this point.  Yeah, I'm a quitter :(.  My excuse is that we're going through a lot of transitions right now and this is something I can hold off on a little longer.  At least I know what it's like to try though.

Now I know...the sinking feeling of leaving your wallet at home...when you're at the grocery store with a whole cart of groceries and 2 little girls...during the middle of a thunderstorm and pouring down rain outside.  Yep that was us this week :).  Thankfully, the cashier was gracious to us!  She suspended my order and had my cart put in the freezer in the back so I could run home and get my wallet.  I was also thankful that I only live 5 minutes away, that Emma slept through the whole experience, and Livie was an angel through it all.  

Now I know...what it's like to be called "Julie" from my toddler :).  One evening this week, Livie was trying to get my attention and was saying "Mom!  Mom!  Mom!" about 5 times.  When she didn't get my attention after the 5th time, she yelled out "Dudie!" (for Julie).  She definitely got my attention that time :).  Chad and I were laughing pretty hard about it actually...she surprises us so much with how many little things she picks up.

And now I know...what our house looks like almost all framed up :).  LOVE it.  I'm a little scared with how big it looks...but maybe that's just this stage in the process? 

Working hard.

The crane.

Here's some more pics from life at home this week...

Reverting back to baby?

 Cute little smile from Emma.

And a yawn.

 Livie trying to calm Emma down :).  She likes to pat her tummy and say, "it's otay's otay".  The patting isn't always a "pat"...hence, Emma not calming down :).

Love this one...

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