Saturday, November 19, 2011

23, 24, & 25

It feels amazing to actually have some time to blog right now.  

This week has been a whirlwind.  The days have been loooonng.  But the week has gone incredibly fast.  How is it Saturday already??

Chad's been hunting...which means - alarm clock going off at 4am, lots of talk about deer, and by 9pm his eyes are rolling in the back of his head.  From his perspective though, it is a break and one of the most exciting times of the year.  I just have to take his word for it :).

Livie's been potty training...or, should I say, I'm the one potty training??  It's really more me remembering to take her often.  Just decided to crack down and do it.  And honestly, this time it has not been too bad!  We're on day 4.  The first 2 days she wore pull-ups, and the past 2 days she's worn underwear.  Since we started, she's only had 3 accidents besides at naptime and at night!  Woohoo!  We're all pretty proud around here about this.  Accidents and all ;).

And Emma...this week she decided to wake up from her newborn slumber and join the rest of us during the day :).  She's no longer content in her bouncer (I had to put it away).  So, time to break out the baby toys (she's grabbing), play-gym, swing, and give her lots more attention!  She's still a happy baby (and is sleeping around 11 hours at night)...just wants some action when she's awake.

So, this week has been one filled with changing, growing, and adapting to each other.  Seems like weeks like these are pretty frequent right now.  It's good for us though.

23 - Sunflare:

Went to McDonald's for lunch yesterday.  Tried to get a cute pic of Livie and Adalai playing in the play-place, but both of them were too excited to pose for a picture together.  It's amazing how a few slides foam walls can get kids so hyper!  The above one of Livie was the best I could do.  And here's little Emma taking it all in :).


24 - Animal:

So, I'm not the biggest fan of animals.  But during our days at home, we DO talk A LOT about animals, make animal noises, play with animals (plastic or stuffed!), and watch them (either outside or on tv).  Anyway, here's Emma playing with her gym this week.  It's got a BIG monkey on it.  Welcome to the world of animals little one.

25 - Something Pink:

This was an easy one.  We're pretty girly around here :).


  1. So cute Julie! I have been pondering potty training Jade, we tried it for 2 days and she did ok, then got sick :( so maybe after Christmas now! But hey, I was wondering where your girls kitchen set is from? I have been searching! And do you like it? Hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving!

  2. thanks molly! the kitchen is kid kraft, and i got it off amazon last year at christmas. livie plays with it almost yeah, i'm happy with it. it's pretty basic though, not a lot of bells and whistles...just makes her use her imagination :). hope you have a great thanksgiving too!
