Thursday, October 27, 2011

9: someone you love

What do you say about someone who means SO MUCH to you?  

I've only known Chad for 4 years...and we've been married for 3 of those years.  Let's just say, I would not be who I am without Chad in my life.  
Daily, I am amazed and challenged by how he lives and thinks.  (We are opposites in MANY ways!)  He truly is one of the most gracious and compassionate men I have EVER met.  He extends Christ and His love to all he comes in contact with and does so with joy and and passion.  He is wise beyond his 32 years :)...and he makes the impossible look easy and the tough details of life fade away into the big picture.  To God be the glory...

I am so honored to be his wife.  

Thank you babe for being my leader, provider, protector, father to our girls, and gracious husband.  I love you so much.


  1. i'm pretty thrilled to have found your blog. makes me feel like it hasn't been 10 years since i saw you. :)

  2. what a great testimony of character from a wife!!! I don't know chad super well, but whenever I'm around him, I leave thinking, "I really like that guy!"...I'm still determined to walk across Illinois and I fully expect him to be a part of the journey! :) GREAT post, Julie!!!

  3. shar...i'm so glad you posted something! now I can check out your blog too! i still remember those summer days at your place during francesville vacation bible school...haha...funny memories there :).
