Thursday, February 24, 2011

His presence

3 blog posts in 1 week.  Wow...  This probably is not going to be the norm.  I just have a down week...and a lot on my mind :).

I was just re-reading the blog I posted this morning, and it seemed full of mishaps and disappointments (besides lunch and Target with the girls!).  This is probably just my interpretation of it...but it made me think of what God has been pressing on my heart all week.

Our life right now is all about the small things (I'm speaking of Livie and I).  While Chad is off designing houses and meeting with a million clients (or so it seems), we're home making the most of our days just playing and keeping up with day to day things around the house.  Somedays I LOVE it and somedays don't.  On the days I don't, it seems like everything around me is going wrong...Livie is being cranky, I'm really tired or have a headache, I don't get things done that I want to, the dinner I made flopped, relationships are struggling, the list goes on.  And in those times, I throw my hands up to God and say, "Why don't you do something?  You could make all this better...right NOW."  But then Ephesians 3:20 comes to mind and says, "I am able to do far more abundantly beyond what you ask or think".  And truth is...HE IS doing more than I could possibly imagine...I just don't always see it.

This week, in every moment that has gone wrong, He's been showing me that He is in it.  He's been using those things to bring me into His presence!  And when I see it...His peace fills me and everything around me.  It's been amazing.  He is so much bigger than me and my little life.  Let's just say my perfectionistic nature has been challenged SO MUCH :).  I'm almost looking for little things to wrong just so I can see God.  The best part is...that is NOT ME AT ALL.  Praise Him.

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