Thursday, February 24, 2011

gender prediction?

Monday morning was an eventful one at our house.  

First, Livie woke up at 5:30.  She's been doing this lately and it's drives me crazy.  I know I'm selfish for wanting to sleep past 6 :).   But I think if I would start to get her up in the 5 o'clock hour, she would learn to make a habit of it.  So, I refuse to get her out of bed until around 6:30.  Eventually she either goes back to sleep or plays in her crib.  This morning, however, she just kept crying.  So, around 6:15 I got out of bed to go get her.  The minute I walked in her room...the smell hit me.  I couldn't tell if it was poo or puke at first, because it was still dark.  But it was smeared everywhere in the crib as well as on her face, little hands, and feet :(.  So, I quick stripped her down and took her to the bathtub and found it was definitely poo.  Yuck.  And it wasn't diarrhea.  So, either she got into her diaper somehow?  Or some of it just came out and she messed around with it?  I don't know...but it was nasty.  I just hope and pray she didn't eat any of it.  The rest of the day she seemed fine...but even after her bath and washing everything in and around her crib, I still could smell it everywhere.  

After getting her cleaned up...on to the next thing...a gender prediction test for little "Wee" :).  I had no idea there was such a thing until my sister-in-law, Amy, suggested it.  Basically, it's a urine test that you can take after 10 weeks to tell the sex of the baby.  I'm always so curious about the gender, so I was all for it!  Chad's mom bought it for us on Sunday night at CVS and we were going to take it that night.  But turns out you have to do it first thing in the morning.  So, here was the result:

Yep...a boy!  Honestly, I was a little disappointed.  Isn't that terrible??  I know I'd be happy either way.  I have nothing against boys!  It's just I'm in girl mode right now and it seems like a girl would be easier.  Plus, I've loved having Livie and truly think she needs a sister at some point.  (Wee, if you end up being a boy and read this later, please know that I LOVE matter what!).   So anyway, after we took it, I had to check the accuracy of this test :).  Their website,, said it's only 90% accurate.  And often it errs on the side of "boy".  So, we're not setting our feelings on it.  They even said, "don't make any emotional or financial decisions based on the results of this test...including painting a baby room" :).  Again, we'll see.  Sonogram is March'll be official then!  

Later that day, Livie was so giggly.  So, I'm going to assume she's ok from the trauma of the morning.  I did get her giggly spell on video, but i'm having trouble uploading it on here.  :(

Then Tuesday, we got to spend the afternoon with my mom (who has been gone for about 5 weeks down south doing work with my dad), my aunt (who came up from KY to visit for a while), and Andrea and Adalai.  We went to Panera for lunch and then took the girls to Target to pick out Valentine's presents from my mom and aunt.  The girls could have probably taken every toy from the toy isle home :).  But in the end, they ended up with some fun little things that they will love playing with at home...thanks Mom and Aunt Barb!  I just enjoyed us all being together again.    

the girls playing with Aunt Barb


  1. I love reading the blog. Oh My! what a thing to wake up to. We sure love our sweet precious little Livie.

  2. Hey Michelle didn't say that I did. Not sure how to change this, but this is from Grandma H

  3. I had to laugh about Wee as that is what pee is called here. So I was a little confused when I read Wee will be reading this later! haha!
    Boys are SO FUN! I wanted 5.... Guess God had other ideas! :) or maybe he still has 4 others somewhere around the world!
    Congrats either way.

    Poo (also called poo here ;)) - YUCK!
    This has not ever happened in this house yet and praying it never does!!!

    Also LOVE READING YOUR BLOG!!! Keep the posts coming! :)
