Sunday, February 20, 2011

"love you"

Livie has been jabbering a lot more lately.  Most of the time she's not saying anything.  But we're learning that we can have her try more words, and she'll try REALLY heard to say them.  It's pretty cute.  For instance, her "please" is "bees", and "two" is "doo".  Close, huh?  Her latest is saying "love you".  So cute:

She's also obsessed with her belly button and lifts up her shirt all the time at home to show it to me.  She'll say, "be-be" and pat her tummy :).

And her newest toy, a stroller for her baby, is her absolute fav.  Grandma Beth - we bought this with the $ you just gave her...thank you!  She strolls it around the house all day long.

And...I just had to write a little about Valentine's day.  We celebrated last Sunday and Chad woke up early with Livie.  When I got up an hour later, the house was silent.  I'm like "where in the world are they".  So I checked the basement and looked outside.  They were gone.   Maybe they went out to get some breakfast for us?  About a half hour later, they show up with 3 bunches of flowers (yes, 3!) and a balloon :).  Just like Chad to go all out.  Fresh cut white tulips (my fav), planted tulips in a pot, and then a colorful mix of mums/roses/etc.  The balloon was for Livie :).  I LOVED having these fresh flowers around all week...such a great sign that spring is on it's way.  Here's what they look like after 1 week...not bad!

And Livie is still playing with her balloon :)

On Friday, Livie and I headed over to my sister, Andrea's house.  They just remodeled their kitchen and redid all their floors on their main floor.  Everything looks awesome.  And because I love organizing :)...she called me up to help put their kitchen back together.   We spent the morning putting dishes, utensils, pots/pans, food, etc. back in their cabinets.  And in the afternoon we painted the family/living room and foyer.  It was a long day...but Livie and Adalai did pretty well together, so that helped.  Lately they've been fighting a lot.  My mom always says, "someday they are going to be the best of friends!".  I hope so :).  In the morning, they got to watch Disney's Robin Hood which kept them entertained for a while.  Only problem was that both of them wanted to sit in the red chair.  So we had to break up some fights over that.  Who knows why the red was better than the yellow one.  But it was.  Here's some pics when things were going well for them.  

Pic of  part of the kitchen.  Doesn't it look great?

And FINALLY.  Here's some pics of our lot.  On Saturday, Chad, both his brothers, his mom, and brother-in-law headed out to continue clearing and cutting trees for the lake.  They also burned a lot of brush in piles.  Chad was soo happy with how much they got done.  But now he's saying it's going to be 3 more Saturdays.  Yeah, that's more than I said last time...maybe the lake is growing?  Here's our lot from the front:

Chad with his chainsaw

Future lake

More of the lake site

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