Thursday, February 10, 2011

land of the living

This week I FINALLY feel like I'm back in the land of the living.  Pregnancy week #15 has been a good one!  I have so much more energy, have not been nauseous for 4 full days, and actually feel like getting out of the house and getting things done.  Praise the Lord...He truly sustains me.  And the other great thing is that "Wee" (Chad's nickname for this baby so far - Livie was "Ned" - this one is "Wee"), anyway...Wee has been kicking :).  Always fun and just an assurance that everything is progressing in the womb :).  

Livie has been feeling better too.  I love watching how she picks certain things to be her "favs" for a week or two.  Then she moves on and keeps me guessing.  I think she gets this from her dad.  Never getting attached to things...always changing!  God knows I need this in my life :).  Her favorite things the past few weeks  have been carrying her blankie and paci EVERYWHERE.  Seriously, if she does not have them, she's looking for them and calling "ba" for blankie and "pas" for paci until she gets them.  She also has discovered that the TV can play cartoons.  My fault there.  It does entertain her for 15 to 30 min at a time...sometimes it's a nice break :).  Oh, and one more thing.  She's starting to run.  Anytime I call to her that I need her or want her...she runs.  It's kind of a game (I hope!).  But it's cute.

watching tv with baby and blankie in hand

blankie and paci :)

livie running

House News?  Chad is still chopping trees and burning brush piles every saturday.  He thinks He probably has 2 saturdays left.  The reason it's taking a little longer to get this part done is because we've decided to put a small lake in the woods in the back.  I'm a little nervous about it because of our small kids, but I've been assured by the Hermans that it will be fine :).  And Chad is so excited about, swimming, ice-skating...the possibilities for it are endless, right?

Besides chopping trees, we've been busy looking at and changing our plans (or sketches), tearing out magazine ideas, looking at design websites, and collecting odds and ends for inspiration.  As I'm typing, I just realized that it has been exactly 1 year since we bought the lot.  It was valentine's weekend last year.  A lot has happened since then!  And if you told me we would already be starting to build in 2011 I would have laughed :).  Ha, some are probably saying "I told you so!".

Chad's work...detailed sketches

my work...magazine pages

not quite...but thanks babe :)

and yes, I bought a rug this week to go in a future kids bath or powder room or somewhere else?  thought it was too fun and colorful not to pass up!


  1. Julie! Congratulations on, well, everything! Livie is adorable and I cant believe you have another one on the way. We have grown up from our summers at Tates Creek pool :)
    I am so happy for you and your family!

  2. Julie,
    Welcome the Blogging World. Look forward to reading your posts. You have a very exciting year ahead of you with the baby and the new house. I hope you continue to feel better.
