Saturday, February 9, 2013

the girls' latest

Here's the latest on these two girlies...

Emma has been talking a lot more in the past month.  And well, we thought she was a funny little girl before...but the talking has made her even funnier :).  While her favorite (or most frequently used) word is "no"...some of her other favorites are..."tack" (snack!)..."Emma's"..."padi" (paci)..."bantie" (blankie)..."teez mama" (please mama)..."teez dada" (please dada).."chary dada" (sorry dada)..."dink" (drink).  Here's a little snip-it of her saying "no":

Yes, she is very passionate about her paci...and her drinks and snacks for that matter.  The other Sunday we went to pick her up from nursery and the workers that day had named her "snack-master" because she was so obsessed with her snack (and everyone else's too!).  Oh my.

Mid-January she came down with bronchitis :(.  Poor little one.   She had to have been feeling awful cause she just wanted to be held and snuggled all the time.  Not a bad thing all was some good bonding time for me and her :).

Lately too, she's been showing us this "scowling" face.  Lol :).  It's like she's saying "what in the world are you thinking?!?".  She definitely understands a lot ;).

One more of Emma...just cause it's cute :).

Livie is pretty excited about the baby growing in my belly.  But she is convinced  it is a girl :).  So funny.  I think this started when one of her older cousins told her that it was, in fact, a girl??  Haha.  We find out February 26th, and I'm so excited for that day to come!!  We really don't care what it is (honestly) will just be nice to know.  God has created this little life, and whether it's a boy or girl doesn't matter to us.  He knows what we need!  And what Livie needs too ;).  

And as my appetite has come back this month, she has been the one by my side in the kitchen.  Whether it's to help me eat a snack or even to make a meal...she loves to be a part of whatever is going on.  She's always asking, "mom can I help?" :).  One more thing about Livie with food...I can't hide much from her.  If I "secretly" eat a piece of candy she's like..."mom, I smell something...did you eat some candy??".  Seriously?

Her passion for music and dancing continues as well.  Last night Chad asked her to sing a song for him and she just started making up something completely random about "love" on the coffee table.  No shame at all ;).  Her current favorite is "Mighty to Save" and she can belt it out pretty good :).

She had her first visit to the dentist a couple weeks ago.  She sat and watched me get my teeth cleaned first and then gladly got into the chair for her turn.  Funniest thing about the visit was that while she was mostly compliant with everything they asked her to do...she wouldn't say a word...or give a head nod to anything.  So while she's all shameless at home...she's pretty shy in public still.  Her favorite part was picking out her "sparkly toothpaste" at the end :).

For Christmas, Alex gave the girls this BIG roll of paper with washable markers...they LOVE it.  And I  love that they love it too :).

AAANNNDDD...we have a new nephew!!  Thatcher Tyndale was born on January 29 to Traever and Andrea.  He weighed 8 lb. 1 oz...and I still can hardly believe that because Andrea was so small this pregnancy :).  We think he's pretty cute :).

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