Tuesday, March 22, 2011

monday morning

I knew monday morning was going to be a little crazy.  Mondays when I have to get out of the house before 8:30 always are :).  But yesterday, besides getting out of the house, I was in charge of bringing breakfast to my girls Bible study.  Not a big deal, just needed to have things ready.  So...I tried to be prepared and have everything prepped Sunday night.  And when I went to bed, I thought it was all going to go sooo smoothly in the morning :).

When the morning came, Chad woke up sick :(.  Bad stomachache and headache.  So, he decided to take the morning off.  Livie slept in until 8.  This is not normal for her.  But I just thought maybe she was exhausted from Sunday activities.  And really, I was soo thankful that she was sleeping in...it gave me time to get everything ready for the morning.

We left the house a little late, but usually all the girls are a little late...so no big deal.  Then about 20 minutes into our 40 minute drive, I hear this gagging noise from Livie in the back.  She proceeded to PUKE not once, or twice, but THREE times ALL OVER herself, the carseat, the floor, and even onto the front console.  It was EVERYWHERE.  And my mind was racing...kind of like this, "Is she okay?  She looks okay.  I can't believe that just happened!  What do I do?  Do I take her home?  But then we'd be really late to Bible study and the food would be cold.  Is the food clear of puke?  Oh good it is.  Do I just drive all the way to Gretchen's?  But 20 minutes seems like an eternity away.  Ugh... and it smells sooo bad!  What do I do?  Maybe I could stop at Lindsey's and clean Liv up?  She lives just up here.  Would she still be home?"

So, I called Lindsey and she was still home :).  Praise the Lord.  She helped us out soo much!  I was able to give Livie a bath, get her into clean clothes, wipe up the majority of the mess in the car, and cover the carseat with clean towels for Livie.  Thank you Lindsey!!

I mentioned that the food was okay :).  And seriously, that was a miracle.  Livie had puked all over the left side of the floor...and the food was all on the right side on the floor.  (Her car seat is in the middle seat).  Again, praise the Lord.  And we did make it to Bible study, late of course, but we made it.  Livie seemed to be feeling okay...I just hope she didn't get the rest of the kids sick with something.  There are 9 kids and 3 on the way between us 7 girls!  It's a little crazy...but we love getting together, talking about the Word, and catching up.  The kids tend to entertain themselves most of the time :).

The rest of our day was fine...a lot of time was spent cleaning everything up.  I had no idea taking apart a car seat could be so difficult!  But now I know for next time...if there will be a next time??  I hope not for a long while!

Oh, and I was going to take pictures, but then decided it was just too gross.

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